
【非官方】植物大战僵尸Delta版 v2.5


Version 1.0 Changelog:
-Spawn rate increased to 4 zombies
-Added zombie different variation zombies
-The game running in background(i dunno why its happen)
-Changed adventure mode spawn
-Changed some flag in adveture mode
-Added Zombotany 3(replace sunny day)
-Changed some texture
-Changed sun value
-Added custom music
-Buffed some plant
-Buffed some zombie
-Flag Zombie,Backup Zombie,Imp spawn and Ducky Tube Zombie spawn naturally
-Portal Combat crashes(idk why)
-Zombie have chance to drop 1 Normal Sun and 2 Big Sun

Version 1.5 Changelog:
-added roman zombie variant
-almanac show zombie point
-a HUGE change for adventure flag
-buff Cattail
-buff Chomper
-buff Flower pot
-buff Bungee(he has bucket)
-buff Newspaper Zombie(he has cone now and the cone is invisible cuz OH BOI I HAVE TO EDIT ALOT OF TEXT)
-Cabbage-pult lob fire pea
-changed some stuff in I Zombie
-changed some stuff in lawnstring
-changed some minigame spawn
-changed survival spawn
-Crazy Dave and Balloon Zombie wear black cloth
-fixed some music(the credit music)
-nerf Sunflower cost(50 to 75)
-nerf zombotany pea(20 to 5)
-nerf fire pea damage(90 to 75)
-new lawn for Zombotany 1 and 2
-new Jack-in-the-box Zombie look
-new icon for the .exe
-new theme for Braniac Maniac
-replace Dr.Zomboss with Jeff(cuz yes)
-replace air raid with FBI raid

Version 2.0 Changelog:
-Added 6-X(night roof or moon)
-Aniq is now the Pogo Zombie
-Peridot is now the Digger Zombie
-Buff Ice-shroom
-Buff Doom-Shrooms
-Buff Squash Recharge Speed
-Buff Flag Zombie(He have a bucket and peashooter head)
-Buff Dancing Zombie(He have Tall-nut head)
-Buff Backup Zombie(He have a bucket)
-Buff Gatling Pea Zombie(He have a bucket)
-Buff Gargantuar HP(3000 to 5000)
-Buff Giga-gargantuar HP(6000 to 10000)
-Nerf Peashooter Zombie(he does not have armor any more)
-Nerf Squash Zombie(He have only Bucket)
-Nerf Jack-in-the-box Zombie HP
-New Dancer.ogg
-Changed some Adventure spawn
-Changed some Crazy Dave dialog
-Changed animation of Dancing Zombie to Basic Zombie
-Changed animation of Giga Gargantuar to Pogo Zombie
-Changed some level flag and spawn
-Shorten some levels
-Sun-shroom grows faster
-Football Zombie,Pole Vaulting Zombie,Digger Zombie and Jack-in-the-box Zombie Fast AF
-"The Jeff Revolving(Delta Version)" is now as LoonBoon
-Dancing Zombie Spawn backup instantly
-Yeti Zombie doesn't ran away anymore
-Replaced Pogo Party with "Zombotany 3"
-Replaced Sunny Day with "Funny Meme Modders"
- Volume lowered of Fume Shroom

Version 2.5 Changelog:
  • Added 7-x(Zen Garden cuz UwU)
  • New Logo For PvZ Delta(inspired by kyao)
  • Changed Almanac colour to blue like PvZ 2 Almanac
  • Change the pogo colour to blue
  • Tall-nut will squash zombies when reach 0 HP(also his HP got nerf to 24000 HP bcuz too op)
  • The game use mainmenu.mo3 now
  • Imp will not spawn in all levels anymore
  • Added Peridot Ciocirlan(Digger Zombie) to Zombotany 3
  • Crazy Dave will no longer choose plants for you in the second adventure.
  • Level 6-5 got some reworked
  • New Flag meter
  • Nerfed Football Zombie,Pole Vaulting Zombie,Digger Zombie and Jack-in-the-box Zombie Speed
  • Newspaper Zombie is counted as 4 zombies (it was 2 zombies)
  • New Rips:
*GrassWalk Horde
*MoonGrains Horde


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