
  1. chaoskeif

    Plants V.S Zombies Deluxe Finale

    chaoskeif 升级了 Plants V.S Zombies Deluxe Finale 的新版本: Final Release 阅读此次升级的详细信息...
  2. chaoskeif

    Pvz Revoked

    mod good
  3. chaoskeif

    Lawn background not correct

    In my mod, 7-X, 8-X, 9-X, and 10-X are supposed to use in this order, zen garden, front lawn, mushroom garden, and front lawn, but even after using scripts they default to night roof. Help?
  4. chaoskeif

    Basic Modding Information

    Hello, it's me again. Recently, I made a massive Modding tutorial for PVZ It's not too advanced, but maybe it can help some people. (I also understand that some may not understand English)
  5. chaoskeif

    Hi, I'm Chaoskeif and I'm new here.

    Thank you! I've already shared some of it, such as my Deluxe mod. I will be sharing my other works soon
  6. chaoskeif

    Plants V.S Zombies Deluxe Finale

    chaoskeif 提交新资源: Plants V.S Zombies Deluxe Finale - A mod meant to act as a sort of 'New Game Plus' 阅读关于此资源更多信息...
  7. chaoskeif

    难度 Plants V.S Zombies Deluxe Finale 1.FINAL

    Features of Deluxe Finale Increased level wave number More zombies More difficult 100 levels in adventure mode Some mini games are replaced with new game modes New plants (replace some current plants) Some levels have homemade music Some different background elements
  8. chaoskeif

    Hi, I'm Chaoskeif and I'm new here.

    Hello. I am a foreign Plants V.S Zombies Modder. I hope I can get along well with everyone here and share the mods I have created and the info I have found.