
  1. Ayban


  2. Ayban


    Ayban submitted a new resource: 植物大战僵尸MA版 - 由外国大佬所制作,具超高难度及随机僵尸特性的植僵改版。 Read more about this resource...
  3. Ayban

    植物大战僵尸MA版 1.25.1

    "Pvz MA revision is a mod that makes the game very hard by buffing zombies, THIS IS HEAVILY RNG BASED, please do not play if you have a skill issue!" "includes, variants of almost all zombies headbutter lettuce" Instructions! download it first of all extract the rar somewhere click on the exe...
  4. Ayban

    Pvz1 Random Projectile

    this is a pvz1 script for that makes snowpea shoot rng projectile, 40% chance for cabbage and 60% for ice pea Chinese 这是个可以让寒冰射手吐出随机子弹的植物大战僵尸脚本 (script),脚本中使游戏里的寒冰射手有40%会吐卷心菜,而60%会吐寒冰豌豆。
  5. Ayban

    Pvz Revoked

    Ayban 提交新资源: Pvz Revoked - A 阅读关于此资源更多信息...
  6. Ayban

    难度 Pvz Revoked 7.00

    this is a foreign pvz1 Mod that raises the difficulty while (trying to) keep its vanilla style. for those who are chinese please use a translator to understand what im saying. this mod is made by Ayban and Matthew. there will be more versions, but for now this is the latest. have fun with this...
  7. Ayban


    okay thank you, i hope this community isn't very secretive and gatekeeping unlike the other pvz1 modding community, and i will try to have fun here. Thanks!
  8. Ayban

